Foreign Interference? EU President Tusk Tells Brits to Vote for Anti-Brexit Change UK Party

Donald Tusk Grins
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Senior European Union officials have once again intervened in a British election, as European Council President Donald Tusk urges Londoners to back his preferred candidate when voting on Thursday.

Donald Tusk, who is the President of the European Council and was the centre-right Europhile Prime Minister of Poland from 2007 to 2014 made the remarks in support of his former Deputy Prime Minister, Anglo-Pole Jan-Vincent Rostowski who is standing as a Change UK candidate in London for Thursday’s election.

The top Eurocrat released a statement Tuesday in which he told pro-remain Brits to vote for the recently founded Change UK party, which supports a second referendum as a means to keep the United Kingdom inside the European Union. POLITICO reports Tusk’s remarks as: “Jan Rostowski worked with me as finance minister of Poland for six years and then as my Deputy prime minister.

“Not only was he the best finance minister in Europe during the financial crisis, he is also a very dear friend who would make a great MEP for London, which I know he loves. I urge Londoners who want Britain to stay in the EU to vote for him.”

While Rostowoski was Poland’s Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister under Tusk, he was born educated in London, part of a community of Polish citizens in exile during the Nazi and Communist eras.

Rostowski is joined on the London list for the Change UK Party by former BBC journalist Gavin Esler. If present polling is replicated in Thursday’s election, the party will not gain any seats nationwide.

The Change UK party has enjoyed a difficult first two months, since it was established by a group of globalist, centrist Labour and Conservative Members of Parliament who left their respective parties citing concern over the nation’s direction over Brexit. Claiming to represent a frustrated sizeable majority of Brits who felt unrepresented after the country voted by a margin of over 1.2 million votes, they are instead polling at less than five per cent.

This failure to resonate with voters has been thrown into particularly sharp contrast by the runaway success of the Brexit Party, which is also less than two months old but is polling in first place for Thursday’s election.

The message from Mr Tusk comes just weeks after the European Union’s Brexit coordinator Guy Verhofstadt — a Belgian politician and hardcore Eurofederalist who, critics say, has been deeply antagonistic towards the United Kingdom during Brexit negotiations — travelled to London to campaign for the Liberal Democrats.

Praising the enthusiastically pro-European Union membership party, whose election slogan for this vote is imaginatively titled “Bollocks to Brexit“, Mr Verhofstadt told supporters in a leafy London square: “This is Europe. Europe. It’s all Europe.”

Top European figures did not publicly call on the British people to vote one way or another during the 2016 referendum where Britain chose to leave the European Union, a matter of regret in Brussels where it is apparently believed that instructing voters to stay in Europe could have swayed the decision. European Commission Chief Jean-Claude Juncker said this month that he should have intervened, saying had he done so he could have “destroyed the lies” which he claimed caused Brexit.

Oliver JJ Lane is the editor of Breitbart London — Follow him on Twitter and Facebook


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